How acrylic fabrication has replaced metal or glass fabrication in recent years
If you look back to the stone or iron age, it was full of heavy materials used in the construction, products and machineries. It was the need for those days to use iron and steel for different applications like doors or furniture, vehicles, machineries, weapons, etc.
Slowly-slowly people started to find ways to be smart by saving effort and energy. Using light-weight materials was one of the options to save the effort and energy. So, materials like extruded plastic sheets like acrylic were invented. Acrylic has many advantages over other metals or glass.
What are the advantages of acrylic?
- > It’s lightweight and easy to move.
- > Good optical clarity.
- > Strength and stiffness for durability.
- > Cost-effective.
How is acrylic better for fabrication than sheet metals or glass?
Other metals like steel, iron, etc. are heavy to move. So, it’s not convenient to carry. While acrylic is lightweight so you can carry along with you easily and take it anywhere.
Cutting or drilling a hole through sheet metal or glass is not easy. Sheet metal is very tough and takes time to cut or drill a hole through it. Glass is easily breakable material and it would be scary to drill a hole through glass. However, acrylic is easy to cut or drill through.
Where is acrylic fabrication required?
Now-a-days as discussed in the above paragraph, people have adopted lightweight materials for furniture, products, vehicles and machineries, interior and exterior, etcIt's like a smart move for people to save effort. So, today acrylic fabrication is used in mainly following sectors:
- > Interior decoration
- > Signage manufacturing
- > POS (point of sale ) display product manufacturing
- > Gifting industry
- > Packaging industry
- > Building and construction
- > Medical industry
- > Lighting industry
Sourcing acrylic material.
No matter for which application you use the acrylic material, it’s wise to check the details of the material like it’s thickness, strength, optical clarity, etc.
Here’s the link of Tilara Acrylic Sheets which are used in major applications given above worldwide - https://www.tilarapolyplast.com/tilara-gpps-sheet.html.
Apart from plain acrylic sheets Tilara Acrylic Sheets are available in texture - https://www.tilarapolyplast.com/tilara-embossed-sheet.html and extruded - https://www.tilarapolyplast.com/extruded-acrylic-sheet.html.