Trendy wedding decoration & Tilara Polycarbonate Sheet
Wedding season arrives and people getting married start planning decoration, shopping, venue booking, etc. Wedding venue decoration is one of the most important decisions people (whether from the bride or groom side) have to take. Wedding decoration is a billions of dollar business globally. New colour pastels have replaced old silver, red, yellow and green decorations now. New style has replaced old style. New materials have replaced old ones.
What's trending in wedding decoration and how Tilara Polycarbonate Sheet is used.
This season, translucent polycarbonate sheet set decoration is creating a buzz around. Wooden or cloth set decorations are out of fashion now. Wedding passage made from greenish blue Tilara Polycarbonate Sheet (see in the picture) is a vogue. It's good news for wedding decorators looking for something new to design or new material for the decor. You can make your extravagant affair enhanced for photography and wow the guests with a translucent set decorated with Tilara Polycarbonate Sheet.
The reasons to opt Tilara multiwall polycarbonate sheet for set decor are;
✓ It's translucent. Lighting and colors play a very important part in wedding decoration. As light can pass through multiwall polycarbonate sheets, one can set colorful lights to pass through it. And the set also will change the colour.
✓ It's UV protected. If a wedding is held in the daytime, harsh sunlight can ruin the real enjoyment and happiness of the wedding. Most importantly, harsh sunlight throws harmful Ultraviolet rays which can tan the skin. Tilara Polycarbonate Sheets come with single as well as double sided UV protection. So the wedding sets made from Tilara Polycarbonate Sheet protect the bride, groom, host family members and guests.
✓ it protects you from getting wet on rainy days.
✓ Available in multi-colored tints like greenish blue, white, black, etc.
✓ Lightweight and easy to create.
✓ Multi-functional. Create mandap, passage, guest huts, pergola, selfie spots from Tilara Polycarbonate Sheets.
More details about Tilara Multiwall Polycarbonate Sheet are available on the official website www.tilarapolyplast.com.